How Anchor Run CSA
utilized the Farm Bill 

The Farm Bill matters to my farm because it determines how much funding is available to us not just as vegetable growers but also as responsible stewards of our land. Over the years we've received funding to build tunnel space for season extension, properly grade land for good water management, and create 3 acres of pollinator habitat on areas not suitable for crop production. 

My advice to other farmers looking to take advantage of this resource is to reach out to your local NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) office to see what funding is available to you.  

The Farm Bill allows Anchor Run CSA to be responsible stewards of our land.

follow along for more @anchorruncsa

Build a Farm Bill that works for you

Learn what Farm Bill programs can benefit your farm. 

STEP 01: Get to know Farm Bill programs

Farmers voices are critical to influencing the Farm Bill. Share your dreams for your
farm and the U.S. food system.

STEP 02: Sign up for
Farm Bill action alerts